Turbo C Suite
Page history
last edited
by Almamu 14 years, 2 months ago
Executable |
tcc.exe |
Compiles and links perfectly without any problem and generates .exe correctly. You cant install it, you shoul add the directory to PATH and use tcc [options] file.c |
0.21 |
make.exe |
Playable |
It works correctly, reading the makefile. If it doesnt find the Makefile be sure that your Makefile has no extension |
0.21 |
Testing Comments:
If you need some include files you SHOULD have all the compiler files and the exe's on the same folder of the Makefile.
The IDE doesnt works and you cant install it.
Audio Volume
No needed
Touchpad Mouse (TPM)
No needed
Suggested .exe-file
Useful comments
Guide to compiling the C code:
First of all we need to create a file called Makefile
Now we open it with notepad.exe(Windows 3.00a)and add this:
tcc -c file.c -o file.obj
tlink -o text.exe file.obj
We need a tcc line by file.
Unzip the file and copy all the contents of Disk1, Disk2 and Disk3 to your project folder.
Custom Control Scheme:
INI Settings
Additional Notes
No one
No one
Turbo C Suite
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